Making Your Mark: Signet Rings

Back in the olden days a signet ring, or seal, was used as a person’s signature. A flat gemstone or metal surface was carved with personal symbols, a family crest or initials. The design was pressed into a blob of wax or clay, and represented the owner’s official approval of whatever document was attached to the blob.

You can tell if a signet ring was meant to be used in this way, because any writing carved on the ring will be backwards!

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Other rings have insignias that are purely decorative. The carving will be in lower relief, and any writing will be facing the correct way on the ring. 

Other rings have insignias that are purely decorative. The carving will be in lower relief, and any writing will be facing the correct way on the ring. 

Sometimes we come across antique signets that were never engraved. These are always exciting finds, because it means a client gets the chance to add their own custom symbols.