March Birthstone: Aquamarine!

The name "aquamarine" comes from the Latin term for sea water, an obvious reference to the stone’s striking blue color.  Aquamarines belong to the beryl family of minerals, and huge crystals with excellent clarity can often be found. 

Rectangular step-cut aquamarine, weighing approx 25 carats.

Rectangular step-cut aquamarine, weighing approx 25 carats.

Aquamarines, like all gemstones known in ancient times, are believed to possess fun magical powers:

  • Sailors would carry aquamarines to ensure safe journeys across the sea.
  • Roman soldiers believed an aquamarine carved as a frog could make your enemy your friend.
  • In the ancient Near East, the gem was a symbol of everlasting youth.
  • Medieval nobility used aquamarine as an antidote against poison. As poisoning your rivals was a common leisure activity for Medieval royalty, aquamarine was a much sought after material.
  • Also thought to cure yawning and burping, because why not. 

Happy March!